Opis projekta

IRS 2019

Za prijavo na projekt se morate prijaviti ali pa registrirati.

 Naravoslovne znanosti, tehnologija ter družboslovne in humanistične vede

Mednarodni tabor;

delovni jezik je angleški


The International Research School (IRS) is a unique international project, an opportunity for children ages 14-17 to do real science, work with modern lab equipment, visit scientific centers, make new friends from all the parts of our planet. This is a project for everyone interested in the world around us.


What is the IRS about? Senior school students from around the world gather together for several days to participate in express projects in the natural sciences and humanities under the guidance and supervision of young scientists from Russia and abroad. For only 10 days, the projects pass all their stages: a hypothesis, setting the goals and objectives of the experiment, data collection and processing, presentation of the results to colleagues and experts. In addition, IRS offers lots of interactive trainings, games, workshops, concerts, tours and sports events.

The students work at the projects in international teams (the working language is English) and are supposed to complete their works within 5 days. Then the projects are presented to a committee of experts and other participants of the IRS. The original design of the projects is developed by trainers, who are young scientists from Russia and other countries.

The IRS offers its participants interesting scientific and cultural programs. The students have lectures on topical subjects, communication and team-building trainings, sports activities and tours to the Kremlin, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and other places of great cultural and historic value. Delegation leaders have the opportunity to join the special workshop on psychology and teaching methods.

The scientific spheres include Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Ecology, Psychology, Anthropology, Robotics, and many more. The research topics for IRS 2019 are presented at the bottom of the website http://irschool.org/about



Kraj izvedbe

Kaluga regija, Rusija

Čas izvedbe

23. 6. – 3. 7. 2019


Dijaki 1., 2. oz. pogojno 3. letnika (starost do vključno 17 let)

Število udeležencev


Stroški udeleženca

Kotizacijo za udeležence (600 €) in stroške organizacije ter sredstva za učitelja spremljevalca krije projekt SKOZ. Udeleženci sami krijejo stroške poti v Moskvo in nazaj; predlagamo, da matična šola svojim udeležencem prispeva vsaj del stroškov, če je mogoče.

Pogoji za prijavo

Kandidat pošlje motivacijsko pismo, v katerem izkaže interes za raziskovanje na izbranem področju (http://irschool.org/about; opisi raziskovalnih tem so povsem spodaj na tej spletni strani) in priloži dokazila o svojih dosežkih delu na tem področju (tekmovanja mladih raziskovalcev,  tekmovanje Popri, tekmovanja iz znanja, sodelovanja z raziskovalnimi/razvojnimi institucijami/društvi ipd.; kandidat lahko predloži tudi drugo dokumentacijo o izvedenem raziskovanju oz. razvoju izdelka v presojo izbirni komisiji)

Delovni jezik IRS - Mednarodne raziskovalne šole je angleški, torej morajo imeti kandidati primerno znanje za nemoteno komunikacijo.