Opis projekta

Simulacija zaščite intelektualne lastnine

Za prijavo na projekt se morate prijaviti ali pa registrirati.
Ta projekt se je že zaključil.

Dijake vseh srednjih šol vabimo, da izkoristijo edinstveno priložnost in se udeležijo enodnevne delavnice na temo zaščite intelektualne lastnine.

Delavnica je praktično naravnana, bistveni del delavnice je uporaba edine računalniške simulacije za zaščito intelektualne lastnine na svetu. Delo bo potekalo v skupinah 4-5 dijakov, skupine bodo medsebojno tekmovale, katera med njimi zna najbolj učinkovito zaščititi svojo intelektualno lastnino.


Gre za aktualno področje in povsem novo aktivnost, ki jo nudimo v okviru projekta SKOZ.


Zakaj mi bo znanje s tega področja koristilo?

Zaščita intelektualne lastnine je izjemno pomembno področje za vse raziskovalce, inovatorje, podjetnike in ustvarjalce na najrazličnejših področjih. Dijaki področja intelektualne lastnine v času šolanja žal ne spoznajo, kljub temu, da pogosto sodelujejo na projektih, raziskovalnih nalogah in drugih aktivnostih, na katerih ustvarjajo svoje izdelke, ki sodijo na področje intelektualne lastnine.


Kdaj in kje?

Delavnica bo potekala v petek, 27. septembra 2019, na Gimnaziji Vič, s pričetkom ob 11.00 in zaključkom ob 17.00 uri. Delavnica bo potekala v računalniški učilnici.


Kdo je predavatelj in kako poteka delo na delavnici?

Delavnico bosta vodila Richard Nugent  ( https://collerip.com/team_member/richard-nugent/ ) in Jure Tomc ( https://www.linkedin.com/in/juretomc/ ). 

Program je sestavljen iz dveh delov. Prvi del pokriva teoretične osnove intelektualne lastnine, drugi del delavnice pa predstavlja uporabo simulacije za zaščito intelektualne lastnine.


Delavnica bo potekala v angleškem jeziku. V primeru jezikovnih zadreg bomo poskrbeli tudi za sprotno prevajanje v slovenski jezik.


Kje najdem več informacij in kako se prijavim?

Na delavnico se prijaviš preko povezave: ........., več informacij najdeš tudi spodaj. Če še nisi uporabnik platforme SKOZ, se moraš pred prijavo na delavnico registrirati kot uporabnik. Delavnica je brezplačna, število udeležencev je omejeno na 20.


Udeleženci bodo prejeli potrdilo o opravljenem  izobraževanju.

Coller IP proposes to run a 1 day IP workshop in Slovenia

Coller IP is one of the UK’s top advisory and training companies in intellectual property

The Coller IP approach is focussed on helping innovators to create, capture, protect, value and exploit their ideas and inventions. We are deeply familiar with the challenges faced by innovators in both academic, pre-commercial and commercial settings, and we are committed to supporting Slovenian innovators at the heart of the Slovenian economy. As a team we have the experience and exposure internationally and this helps us as we work with export focussed organisations.


Richard Nugent, of Coller IP has been working closely with Jure Tomc of JT Business Development to assist Slovenian innovators for a number of years, including recent start-up companies such as CargoX and Peltie Cool.

We propose an interactive session in the second part of the day that enables key aspects of the training to be put into practice in a computer game environment – IPSim (IP simulation).

Key themes of the day are different forms of innovation, innovation strategy, innovation commercialisation

Innovation/conception – 30 minutes

What types of invention and innovation exist? – 30 minutes

Innovation Capture – 30 minutes to 1 hour

Innovation Protection – Up to 1-2 hours

How do you make money from ideas? (Monetisation/Exploitation) Up to 75 minutes

IPSim – this is a guided 2-2.5 hour session where attendees play a game where they develop, own, and manage and commercialise intellectual property. This is fun, competitive activity which is played in teams of 2-4 (preferably 4) – with each team competing to generate the most money from its IP assets. A small prize is given to the winning team. This prize is physical and is normally placed in the area where the participants are playing the game.

Coller IP tailors its workshops to meet the specific requirements of the client. A full breakdown of the timetable for the day, and each of the specific topics covered will be provided to the client in advance of the workshop.

Optional themes

Raising funds and ways to make your business attractive for investors – up to 30 minutes

Contracts – what are contracts and why they matter – 20-30 minutes – high level

Our workshop will provide a mixture of presentations and group discussions as a basis for introducing innovation and IP to the attendees. They will also generate a greater level of confidence in managing and developing their ideas, and subsequently how to turn these ideas into income generating businesses. 

If desired by the event organiser, short follow up advisory sessions will be offered to any attendees who wish to be connected to any of the Coller IP team as appropriate to their business needs. 

The course will be informal and the format will be flexible to take into account the questions raised during the day.

IPSim is software created by a UK company, Tacit Sims. A licence of the software is required prior to running the event, and software will need to be installed on each device running the software.


About Coller IP

Coller IP is an award-winning intellectual property strategy and valuation consultancy and regarded as one of the UK’s most highly sought after companies for strategic IP support.


Founded in the 1950s within the UK Atomic Energy Authority, Coller IP has built its reputation as one of the leading authorities for IP valuation and strategic management of intellectual assets based on our propriety models that focus on the full suite of intangible assets.


Acquired in 2017 by Mathys & Squire, one of Europe’s top tier IP firms, Coller IP operates from the UK with a global client base that ranges from some of the world’s leading innovators to start ups that will become the household names of tomorrow.


Our team comprises IP analysts and valuers, business consultants, licensing professionals and patent/trade mark attorneys, with strong backgrounds in science and engineering and many of whom have extensive commercial experience.  We use the financial, technical, legal and commercial skills and market knowledge of our team to provide services tailored to meet individual client requirements.


Coller IP has clients, ranging from micro-enterprises, through SMEs to large multi-nationals and government bodies and works with customers to help them realise meaningful value from their intangible assets (IA). Our strategic and practical advice spans all forms of intangible assets, including intellectual property and is tailored to help grow clients’ businesses, develop IP-centric cultures and leverage IA valuations for successful transactions.


Our core services and competencies are based around and built upon the following:


·       IP Analysis & Commercialisation: IP landscaping and associated market research and competitor studies to establish technical developments and activities of the market players in a technology area; IP Strategy and strategic advice in support of IP exploitation for businesses, universities and public sector bodies looking to extract value from their intangible assets.


·       Valuation and Opinion:  IP valuation, IP due diligence, commercial and IP legal advice for companies, investors, investees, venture capitalists and sellers.  We provide IP valuations for all purposes. This involves us investigating many factors including ownership, inventor pedigree, IP differentiation, timeliness and legal robustness.


·       IP Brokering:  Helping new and established businesses and organisations to realise value from their IP by structuring their business and IP and by facilitating deals, through an understanding of the dynamics of the patent and market landscape and the potential buy, sell and licensing opportunities that they reveal. The commercial experience gained through our brokering activities actively informs our valuation practice and vice versa.


·       Training: Coller IP is an acknowledged provider in Intellectual Property training and education. Offering basic to Masterclass-level IP training, we have assisted HR & IP managers leveraging the knowledge and awareness in IP of their staff in bespoke training sessions and workshops.


We find it helpful to consider intangible assets as providing support for business success via an appropriate combination of Intellectual Property (legal underpinning of commercial business opportunities), Intellectual Assets (people-based assets for effective business operations) and other Intellectual Capital (to provide appropriate routes to market).